Wood protection
Wood treatment with copper sulfate is carried out in order to get rid of rot, mold, fungus, it can be carried out by various methods - external and internal.
Azure for wood is a special impregnating composition that will help give the wood a more decorative and expensive appearance, as well as protect it from damage.
Have you decided to give the wood a deep and rich color, emphasize the fiber pattern and extend its life? Useful tips for pickling wood with your own hands come in handy.
Sineva is not only a dubious, but also unsafe “decoration” of wooden houses and products. How to prevent its appearance and fight against the already existing blue stain?
We make Swedish and Finnish colors on our own: we follow the recipes exactly and follow the rules of preparation. Correctly apply the composition to the surface.
Features of mastic for wood, methods of its application, advantages and disadvantages. A proven do-it-yourself recipe.
The article talks about the protection of building structures made of wood from adverse natural influences, damage by fungus and pests by means of liquid glass processing, and also describes the properties of this material and the features of its application.
Stains make it possible to give wood a unique look, preserve its naturalness, while enhancing the pattern and tinting in various attractive shades.
Various wood stains can give the products a unique and very beautiful appearance, they are applied to the wood in the usual way or with the effect of aging.
If the wood has darkened, spots of fungus and mold have appeared on it, there are traces of insect activity, a special tool will help - bleach for wood.