Purification of painted wallpaper from a pen and felt-tip pen. Ways to mask children's drawings and their inclusion in the interior.
How to identify paints and varnishes that do not contain substances harmful to health. What modern technologies for the production of safe paints exist.
Preliminary colorings: why are they needed and whether it is possible to do without them. What is better to do - wall, wallpaper or drywall. What points should be considered in order not to be disappointed with the result.
The problem of long drying of the paint and how to solve it. Types of compositions and their advantages. Proper coating as a guarantee of quick drying of the surface.
Tips for painting tires for flower beds, the necessary materials and accessories. Interesting flower garden design options, other tire ideas.
Paint capable of converting the energy of the sun into electricity already exists and is an inexpensive analogue of solar panels. What is solar paint made of, who developed it and what are the advantages of such technology?
We talk about how to paint the walls in the living room, bedroom and even the nursery. We share useful tips for painting walls with our own hands.
Paint for calipers is required for painting this part of the brake system, heat-resistant material allows you to protect metal and give the car a stylish look.
Acrylic paint is the safest and most convenient material for repairs in the house and office, it can be applied to the ceilings and walls with your own hands.
Car doused with paint: means and methods of cleaning. Advantages of contacting the service. Is it possible to repair the damage and punish the attackers.