Work with paints
The best secrets that facilitate the painting process: how to make unusual patterns with improvised means, wash paint, save the tool for reuse, protect yourself and objects around from pollution.
Purification of painted wallpaper from a pen and felt-tip pen. Ways to mask children's drawings and their inclusion in the interior.
Preliminary colorings: why are they needed and whether it is possible to do without them. What is better to do - wall, wallpaper or drywall. What points should be considered in order not to be disappointed with the result.
The problem of long drying of the paint and how to solve it. Types of compositions and their advantages. Proper coating as a guarantee of quick drying of the surface.
Tips for painting tires for flower beds, the necessary materials and accessories. Interesting flower garden design options, other tire ideas.
We talk about how to paint the walls in the living room, bedroom and even the nursery. We share useful tips for painting walls with our own hands.
Car doused with paint: means and methods of cleaning. Advantages of contacting the service. Is it possible to repair the damage and punish the attackers.
Old country cottages - buckets and barrels - can be decorated by coloring, decorating with ornaments or drawings, weaving with a vine and other interesting methods.
Applying patina helps to create real antique products with one's own hands, this technology is especially well suited for a kitchen set.
The advantages of painted walls in the bathroom over the tiles. Varieties of colors, their characteristics, disadvantages. Tips for protecting walls from direct moisture, examples of popular painting methods.